Monday, March 7, 2011

I have a question that only I can answer, but I don't have an answer. The question is, what am I going to do with my life? I have a grasp on a writing career, although I need to understand and learn a lot of about it. (And learn how to spell.. >.> Thanks goodness for spell check.) I also need to get past this, "I don't feel like writing, even though I haven't touched my story in three weeks... Oh! This game looks like fun..." if I except to get any where with my writing. I would like to make this my main career, I guess I'll have to wait and see.

But I still have two years before I'm even out of high school. I don't plan on going straight into college (x.x is how you'd find me after a few days...). Anyway, I'm not sure what I want to do once high school is over. Maybe spend some time with my Grandpa, or save some money and take a road trip to the southern states. I'm not really sure.

But then there's the question of what  actually want to get a degree in, and what I'll do after college, and what my life will be like. Like where will I live? This is actually kind of scary for me, because I have no idea. I'll just lean on God, and let Him lead me to where ever he wants me to be, and I'll be with whoever He wants me to be with.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wow... I've failed to write ones of these for a while... x.x
Well, I am now free to tell you my big secert. =P I actually finished a book! And had it printed. ^_^ But I couldn't say that because I gave a copy of it to my friend ♥ She wasn't expecting it. Hehe but I'm happy to report that she loved it. (You know who you are! =D If you're reading this before I talk to you next, I FREAKING MISS YOU!!!!!! Oh and when is a good time for me to call? XD)

So.. I took my driving test thingy... and now have my permit. (Although I do NOT like driving and probably won't for some time. And although some of my friends like to tease me by saying that I'm going to run them over... I'll have them know that I haven't hit anything yet. >.< =D)

I am still reading Inkspell... which I've been reading since Christmas o.o.... But I'm almost down with it. XD Meggie and Farid are so cute. ♥

I don't know what else to report right, unless you're interested in knowing that my dinner is almost done and I'll be watching a TV show called "The 4400". Which I doubt ya do but now you know.