Tuesday, January 31, 2012

First blog of the year!

So... I haven't posted a blog in a while, and since it is a new year, I thought that I should post one. In the first month of the new year. However, for me, that first month ends in a little less then three hours. For some it's longer away; for some it's already February 1'st.

I've come to write this only a little distracted by Papa Roach (a band), Facebook, and a role play. But I can still make this make sense! Really! Well... as much sense as can be had from me that is. =P But that is the price that you pay if you talk to me/ read my blogs, now isn't it?

I hope that everyone's Christmas went well, and that they had an enjoyable day. (And of course, that goes for any and every holiday before and after Christmas that I haven't mentioned.) I would also like to point out, that this is the year of the Dragon. Cool, huh? (In case anyone didn't know, I happen to like dragons. A lot, like the mythical kind. I.E. Saphria from Eragon and other types along those lines.)

Also, in case anyone hasn't noticed yet, I really had nothing to write about tonight, other then some random things.*nods* But then, that's also pretty normal, isn't it? =P Ah... I have this on FB (Facebook) but I would also like to share it with my blog readers. (if I still have any!)

Nomivore.... One whom noms. Because nomming ish fun and nom-ificent!
Anyone happen to not know what 'nom' is? May I ask... What is wrong with you?! Okay, well... to nom is like to eat... Usually said when someone is eating something that they find to be particularly good.  So, there you have it. Nom. *nods*
  Well... I think that I have just about run out of random/ useless things to say tonight. Thus, I am about to stop wasting your time by reading this. I'm so nice. XD I think next time I shall list some books that I've read recently that ish good. How about that? I'll try to make that next time sometime soon, kay? Yeah... we'll just have to see, now won't we?
Allonsy, Alonzo!!!  Goodbye, earthlings! Farewell, humans! See ya! Bye! 
(Thanks for reading! Obviously you wouldn't know that I was thanking you if you hadn't read all the way through. Smart cookie I am! GO YODA! Haha okay... see ya!)