Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's day- my thoughts.

Valentine's Day. 
The bane of every single person alive.
Not completely true. It can be the best day in the world for a single person and the worst day for someone that does have a special loved one. I guess it all depends on what's happening that day, right?

I guess that after spending 17 Valentine's days alone, I don't mind it so much... even if I do have someone that I like. Although I'm not saying that I wouldn't like to be able to have a Valentine, it's okay that I don't until God tells me whom he wants me to be with. Because God is writing my love song, even if I'm impatient and want to know now.

Having friends is a good thing, sometimes it helps to take your mind off of things that you don't want to think about because whatever it is makes you sad or distressed. Randomly calling or messaging, or even tackling!, a friend can be enough to brighten your day sometimes. =P  

And sometimes... you just have to take matters into your own hands and just tell that someone that you like them. You may be surprised, right? (I say that, and yet I am such a shy person!) Sometimes you just have to drop hints, poke, maybe even send them a secret Valentine? All depends on the person though. (Because, as I've found, staring at the person and trying to use the Force to make them do as you wish, it doesn't work... =S )

I dunno. Tomorrow is my 17'th Valentine's day, still single. And I guess I'm okay with that. I wish that I wasn't, but still, as I said, I'm waiting for God to point the right guy out to me. So.. chocolate for me! It's the best part for now! =P

Okay... Happy Valentine's day everyone!! =D (Or Happy Single's Awareness day! Which ever! =) )

(P.S. I realize that I didn't actually put many thoughts into this... Sorry. But that's all I got for ya tonight! Bye!)


  1. The Forces doesn't work?!!! :O I've lived in a lie my whole life!!! O_O LOL!!! XD

  2. XD YESH! I'm sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news! But Happy Valentine's day anyway, young Jedi!
