Monday, September 19, 2011

Can we say pathetic? Yes, I think we can.

Today, I am going to critique someone... again. This seems to be getting to be a regular thing for me. Pathetic? Who's being pathetic? And why am I saying that they are? Both very fine questions. And questions that I will answer. Who? I don't actually know them, nor do I care too. However, I will say that they are males on facebook that need to get a real girlfriend. Or a job. Or some friends. Second, Why? Because they are making quizzes now (on facebook) that are giving people the chance to get their numbers.
Now, of course this is (at hopefully) directed at girls. But, how in the world, do these guys know that some fat forty year old dude isn't going to be chatting them up? Oh another thing to be brought up, to give these guys partial credit, maybe it isn't their real phone numbers, but still. Why would they do that? And... honestly.. wow... just wow... 

Hmm.. Okay.. Dinner. Maybe next time I'll have something at least somewhat different to rant about. =P