Well... actually.. anyone. Considering that adults act like teenagers too, they just get away with making fun of us... >.< I say 'good for you' to those people who can admit to acting like a teenager when you are no longer technically classified as one!
Listening to music even though I have the start of a headache. This is due to the fact that I can not live without music... Not true. I can, but i absolutely love music, I'm listening to something 24/7, 'cause if a electronic device isn't playing something, it's playing in my head. I'm currently listening to Crush Crush Crush by Paramore. Thinking about Secondhand Serenade or All Time Low afterwards. I must say that it if were not for my mom, step-dad and my Twin, then I probably wouldn't knew of all the bands that I do. Or at least, they'd be mostly country.
So... Mom asks me to play Whiter Shade of Pale by Annie Lennox.. I repeat it and come up with 'Whiter Pade of Shale'... Smooth, I know, I'm just that good. I find it oddly amusing some of the things that people will bleep out in songs. No examples of what I mean, all I will say to that is, Have you ever bought a CD from Wal-Mart?
I keep listening to the same... *counts in the air* five..? bands... Now I feel like I should name them. Paramore, Secondhand Serenade, All Time Low, The Ready Set, and Black Veil Brides. (if you haven't heard of any of these bands/ haven't heard any of their music, I have suggestions for you. XD)
I have a I bookmark to a baby name site... Due to writing and making role play characters... I finally decided to bookmark it so I wouldn't have to keep searching for it...It's interesting, because they give the meanings of names also.
Okay... my brain is begging for sleep, so goodnight peoples of the universe and beyond!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
A word for the unseen.
No... That is not a reference to ninjas or Doctor Who. Actually, it's about people, real people (not implying that ninjas aren't real.) There is also no Fringe puns in there... >.< No puns towards any books nor shows, 'kay?
In every crowd there's that one kid, that one person, that is always there. Many don't see him.Many don't hear him. That one person that is the most thoughtful. The most caring. The one that sits in the corner and enjoys the party, not by dancing and causing ruckus, but because he watches everyone else having fun, and uses their excitement and joy as his high. The kid that would make sacrifices and do a lot of stuff just to make sure that the others had fun.
Sometimes it's the people that are themselves despite what others might think about their appearance or behavior. The people that can be made fun of all day and still be a shoulder to cry on. The misunderstood. Sometimes their actions go unexplained, mostly because they go unnoticed. But if you happen to see them, why don't you stop and ask? =)
I am, in part at least, this type of person. I've also noticed them. Sometimes being unnoticed is the object, and if your careful, it's fairly easy. I don't know what it is, about being unnoticed, that is so entertaining. Is it the feeling that you get when you see someone enjoying their gift or whatever? Is it the feeling of skirting the edge of the scene like a ghost? Well, perhaps both. (Plus, it's amusing to just watch people. See how they act, plus you can hear some really good things. =P)
There is a draw back however, well more then one really. One is being caught at your silent act. Because usually there are two ways that people act when they finally see you. (A.) They either mock you, which is hurtful. (B.) They make you come out of hiding, out of your comfort zone. It's also frustrating to find someone in the middle. Where they don't make fun of you (which you can brush off) nor do they pull you very much (which you can usually escape.) It's the people who are suspicious of how you act and ask questions about it, and in such a way as to make you feel dumb, and then leave it, as if they just brushed you off in a haughty manner because your not worth their time. These people are annoying to deal with, because being quiet doesn't suit them, neither does showing your true colors, it's a lose-lose situation (one that you can also usually brush off after a time.)
All in all, I guess what I'm trying to say is, look past the crowd. Look to see the people on the outside looking in. The people that are watching instead of being in the spot light. The quiet ones. Usually they have amazing personalties, if you only get to know them well enough. But push them past their limits, past their comfort zones, we all have our limits, whether we show them or not. These people are the misunderstood. The watchers. The ones that understand life. The unseen.
In every crowd there's that one kid, that one person, that is always there. Many don't see him.Many don't hear him. That one person that is the most thoughtful. The most caring. The one that sits in the corner and enjoys the party, not by dancing and causing ruckus, but because he watches everyone else having fun, and uses their excitement and joy as his high. The kid that would make sacrifices and do a lot of stuff just to make sure that the others had fun.
Sometimes it's the people that are themselves despite what others might think about their appearance or behavior. The people that can be made fun of all day and still be a shoulder to cry on. The misunderstood. Sometimes their actions go unexplained, mostly because they go unnoticed. But if you happen to see them, why don't you stop and ask? =)
I am, in part at least, this type of person. I've also noticed them. Sometimes being unnoticed is the object, and if your careful, it's fairly easy. I don't know what it is, about being unnoticed, that is so entertaining. Is it the feeling that you get when you see someone enjoying their gift or whatever? Is it the feeling of skirting the edge of the scene like a ghost? Well, perhaps both. (Plus, it's amusing to just watch people. See how they act, plus you can hear some really good things. =P)
There is a draw back however, well more then one really. One is being caught at your silent act. Because usually there are two ways that people act when they finally see you. (A.) They either mock you, which is hurtful. (B.) They make you come out of hiding, out of your comfort zone. It's also frustrating to find someone in the middle. Where they don't make fun of you (which you can brush off) nor do they pull you very much (which you can usually escape.) It's the people who are suspicious of how you act and ask questions about it, and in such a way as to make you feel dumb, and then leave it, as if they just brushed you off in a haughty manner because your not worth their time. These people are annoying to deal with, because being quiet doesn't suit them, neither does showing your true colors, it's a lose-lose situation (one that you can also usually brush off after a time.)
All in all, I guess what I'm trying to say is, look past the crowd. Look to see the people on the outside looking in. The people that are watching instead of being in the spot light. The quiet ones. Usually they have amazing personalties, if you only get to know them well enough. But push them past their limits, past their comfort zones, we all have our limits, whether we show them or not. These people are the misunderstood. The watchers. The ones that understand life. The unseen.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Fall and other things.
Fall is my favorite seasons. For many reasons.
Next order of blogging, I have red streaks in my hair! It's not dye, they are clipped into my hair, but they stay. It's awesomely amazing! ^_^ I like how the red stands out against my hair.
I know that this is short, but I think that's all for now! I'm slightly distracted. =P
- The colors that tinge the trees.
- The crunchy leaves, how they sound when you walk on them.
- My birthday. But I don't really count that. XD
- The smell of burning leaves.
- And lastly, the feeling, the atmosphere of fall. I know that it will sound odd, but it makes me feel closed it when I'm outside, but in a good way. It makes me feel like I'm in the 1800 century England. Like I said, weird.
Next order of blogging, I have red streaks in my hair! It's not dye, they are clipped into my hair, but they stay. It's awesomely amazing! ^_^ I like how the red stands out against my hair.
I know that this is short, but I think that's all for now! I'm slightly distracted. =P
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The all famous Yahoo News says "Three surprising things about headaches." Let me guess... 1. The hurt, 2. They suck, 3. They're annoying. Oh wait... Those aren't surprising, are they?
I am finding it very difficult to not make Doctor Who references while watching movies and shows. (If you've never seen Transformers *the movies* or Doctor Who, you may want to skip this next bit.) (Comparing DW to Transformers.) Hmm.. An alien planet. A war going on between good and bad. (Auto bots and Decpiticons *probably spelled that wrong*/ Timelords and Daleks) Planet comes to tragic end (Gallifrey and whatever-the-Auto bot's-planet-is called.) Survivors come to Earth (only in the case it's several and not just one. I.E. The Doctor.) Said survivors must once again battle the enemy from long before and destroy them. Hmm... Yeah... That might not have made sense to anybody else, but in my little mind it made perfect sense. =P
Want to know what I think one of the biggest scams is? Dream catchers! They do not catch the bad dreams. Well, at least not mine. >.<. I hardly ever have good dreams. (when I actually remeber them that is.) Prime example of a failed dream catcher? I had a dream about my friend's RP (role play) character (big bad, not one to be messed with) and these two fat ladies in a house on this hill. Why? I honestly have no idea. Nor do I know what I ate before going to bed. O.O. Speaking of odd dreams, I had a dream about Stefan from the Vampire Diaries series. (Books, not show.)
And speaking of books, I wanna say that in a month and 6 days, the last Eragon book is coming out! *happy dance* Yes... I'm back to counting stuff down. =D.
Okay, so, I'm writing this odd story about Rock stars. (I've mentioned it before.) And as everyone knows, couples have fights, right? So, I get this great idea for a chapter. That bad thing is I have the beginning, the second half of my climax, and two resolutions, however, I can not make myself write the climax itself, and I even know what it's gonna be! Five sentences, and I can't do it. All day I've been writing everything but that. It's like.. my mind knows that this happy couple is gonna be all mad at each other and it's gonna be sad, so it's refusing to write it! >.>. Even though it already knows that they're gonna be back together in about four pages and a new chapter. *Rolls eyes at self* I feel so disappointed in myself. I mean come on! I've killed people before in my books! KILLED PEOPLE! *Bahumbugs* I will get it written though, brain! Cause I really wanna send it to my friend! And I have to have it done by November! Bad, brain!
Oh.... Did I say that last bit out loud... Oh dear... Ah well.!
I'm off to mentally yell/argue with myself some more, and make myself write that bit, sooner or later. Talk to you later!
I am finding it very difficult to not make Doctor Who references while watching movies and shows. (If you've never seen Transformers *the movies* or Doctor Who, you may want to skip this next bit.) (Comparing DW to Transformers.) Hmm.. An alien planet. A war going on between good and bad. (Auto bots and Decpiticons *probably spelled that wrong*/ Timelords and Daleks) Planet comes to tragic end (Gallifrey and whatever-the-Auto bot's-planet-is called.) Survivors come to Earth (only in the case it's several and not just one. I.E. The Doctor.) Said survivors must once again battle the enemy from long before and destroy them. Hmm... Yeah... That might not have made sense to anybody else, but in my little mind it made perfect sense. =P
Want to know what I think one of the biggest scams is? Dream catchers! They do not catch the bad dreams. Well, at least not mine. >.<. I hardly ever have good dreams. (when I actually remeber them that is.) Prime example of a failed dream catcher? I had a dream about my friend's RP (role play) character (big bad, not one to be messed with) and these two fat ladies in a house on this hill. Why? I honestly have no idea. Nor do I know what I ate before going to bed. O.O. Speaking of odd dreams, I had a dream about Stefan from the Vampire Diaries series. (Books, not show.)
And speaking of books, I wanna say that in a month and 6 days, the last Eragon book is coming out! *happy dance* Yes... I'm back to counting stuff down. =D.
Okay, so, I'm writing this odd story about Rock stars. (I've mentioned it before.) And as everyone knows, couples have fights, right? So, I get this great idea for a chapter. That bad thing is I have the beginning, the second half of my climax, and two resolutions, however, I can not make myself write the climax itself, and I even know what it's gonna be! Five sentences, and I can't do it. All day I've been writing everything but that. It's like.. my mind knows that this happy couple is gonna be all mad at each other and it's gonna be sad, so it's refusing to write it! >.>. Even though it already knows that they're gonna be back together in about four pages and a new chapter. *Rolls eyes at self* I feel so disappointed in myself. I mean come on! I've killed people before in my books! KILLED PEOPLE! *Bahumbugs* I will get it written though, brain! Cause I really wanna send it to my friend! And I have to have it done by November! Bad, brain!
Oh.... Did I say that last bit out loud... Oh dear... Ah well.!
I'm off to mentally yell/argue with myself some more, and make myself write that bit, sooner or later. Talk to you later!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
I feel very Doctor Who-ish right now. I don't now why. But as I do my continuous-random-never-ending-thoughts I keep getting DW references. =D Kind of amusing, and because I am amused, I am content, so I thought I'd share a blog today. First DW mention. "An apple a day keep the doctor away, but if the Doctor is cute, screw the fruit." XD (< That's a smiley face by the way!) Yep! OH! I got another one for ya, this came from an icon I found recently. "You know that your obsessed with Doctor Who when you actually want to be abducted by an alien." ONLY if this alien has a Blue police box, obviously! =P
I'd like to do something different. I can see that people are reading this! (I am NOT a stalker... But I do like you're new carpets! ^_- Kidding!) I am gonna give you people my e-mail address, and if anyone is interested, send me an e-mail and tell me what you think about my blog and/or suggest something for me to write in coming blogs. (Yes, I do realize that you COULD do that in the comments!) Either way, up to you! OH! But if you do, make sure that I know that your e-mailing cause of the blog, or else I'll delete it as I'll think it's spam. ^_^
Do you know what? No? Me either. I was hoping that you did. I had a good dream this morning. It left me happy. Well, not really in a state of joy but content. I was hanging out with some guys that I don't get to hang out with, and my cousin. =P The last time I had one of those dreams was... The night before Valentine's day, and I feel in love with a rock star! XD
I really don't have anything inspirational to say right at this moment, though I must say that I'm not usually very inspirational anyway. SO I will talk about Halloween instead. (This colored text is really starting to annoy me.. It will not stay the color that I want.) What are you going to be for Halloween? I'm going to be an elf again, because I like elves. But I'm not a nerd... I mean... it's not like I made an elf costume and made my room look like a castle or anything... o.o... Yep, and my little sister will be a dino/dragon. And I'll get candy because she's cute. That's the way to do it. ^_^ 17 is NOT to old to get candy... hehe!
I must say that I'm not usually one to get all fan girlish. I mean, some things yeah, but not usually over famous people. I'm just to mundane to get a famous person to notice me =P But I have to admit that I'm finding it hard to control my fingers right now to not go fan girly over this singer's voice... *swoons* >.> Off to another subject before I bore you more.
But, I guess that you wouldn't be reading this if I was boring you, unless you're just that bored. But that's okay, because I like to help people not be bored. I want to talk about DW again. Starting in 2005, the 9'th Doctor. (I honestly can not spell his name.) The episode where he first meets Rose Tyler. Did anybody else find it interesting that he was looking at his ears/ hair (he only wants to be ginger!) at Rose's house, as if he had just regenerated, but that stalker guy from the Internet had pictures of him? Is that weird to just me? I mean, I know that he could have done all of that in a technical 15 minutes, but he usually finds the time to see what he looks like. I also find it interesting that the earlier Doctors looked aged, but they have progressively gotten younger looking. Hmmm...
I think I will skip away now, and listen to some more BVB (Black Veil Brides). Bye, peoples of the worlds!
OH! Thought I forgot didn't ya? =P tany_1994@yahoo.com SEE YA!
I'd like to do something different. I can see that people are reading this! (I am NOT a stalker... But I do like you're new carpets! ^_- Kidding!) I am gonna give you people my e-mail address, and if anyone is interested, send me an e-mail and tell me what you think about my blog and/or suggest something for me to write in coming blogs. (Yes, I do realize that you COULD do that in the comments!) Either way, up to you! OH! But if you do, make sure that I know that your e-mailing cause of the blog, or else I'll delete it as I'll think it's spam. ^_^
Do you know what? No? Me either. I was hoping that you did. I had a good dream this morning. It left me happy. Well, not really in a state of joy but content. I was hanging out with some guys that I don't get to hang out with, and my cousin. =P The last time I had one of those dreams was... The night before Valentine's day, and I feel in love with a rock star! XD
I really don't have anything inspirational to say right at this moment, though I must say that I'm not usually very inspirational anyway. SO I will talk about Halloween instead. (This colored text is really starting to annoy me.. It will not stay the color that I want.) What are you going to be for Halloween? I'm going to be an elf again, because I like elves. But I'm not a nerd... I mean... it's not like I made an elf costume and made my room look like a castle or anything... o.o... Yep, and my little sister will be a dino/dragon. And I'll get candy because she's cute. That's the way to do it. ^_^ 17 is NOT to old to get candy... hehe!
I must say that I'm not usually one to get all fan girlish. I mean, some things yeah, but not usually over famous people. I'm just to mundane to get a famous person to notice me =P But I have to admit that I'm finding it hard to control my fingers right now to not go fan girly over this singer's voice... *swoons* >.> Off to another subject before I bore you more.
But, I guess that you wouldn't be reading this if I was boring you, unless you're just that bored. But that's okay, because I like to help people not be bored. I want to talk about DW again. Starting in 2005, the 9'th Doctor. (I honestly can not spell his name.) The episode where he first meets Rose Tyler. Did anybody else find it interesting that he was looking at his ears/ hair (he only wants to be ginger!) at Rose's house, as if he had just regenerated, but that stalker guy from the Internet had pictures of him? Is that weird to just me? I mean, I know that he could have done all of that in a technical 15 minutes, but he usually finds the time to see what he looks like. I also find it interesting that the earlier Doctors looked aged, but they have progressively gotten younger looking. Hmmm...
I think I will skip away now, and listen to some more BVB (Black Veil Brides). Bye, peoples of the worlds!
OH! Thought I forgot didn't ya? =P tany_1994@yahoo.com SEE YA!
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