I feel very Doctor Who-ish right now. I don't now why. But as I do my continuous-random-never-ending-thoughts I keep getting DW references. =D Kind of amusing, and because I am amused, I am content, so I thought I'd share a blog today. First DW mention. "An apple a day keep the doctor away, but if the Doctor is cute, screw the fruit." XD (< That's a smiley face by the way!) Yep! OH! I got another one for ya, this came from an icon I found recently. "You know that your obsessed with Doctor Who when you actually want to be abducted by an alien." ONLY if this alien has a Blue police box, obviously! =P
I'd like to do something different. I can see that people are reading this! (I am NOT a stalker... But I do like you're new carpets! ^_- Kidding!) I am gonna give you people my e-mail address, and if anyone is interested, send me an e-mail and tell me what you think about my blog and/or suggest something for me to write in coming blogs. (Yes, I do realize that you COULD do that in the comments!) Either way, up to you! OH! But if you do, make sure that I know that your e-mailing cause of the blog, or else I'll delete it as I'll think it's spam. ^_^
Do you know what? No? Me either. I was hoping that you did. I had a good dream this morning. It left me happy. Well, not really in a state of joy but content. I was hanging out with some guys that I don't get to hang out with, and my cousin. =P The last time I had one of those dreams was... The night before Valentine's day, and I feel in love with a rock star! XD
I really don't have anything inspirational to say right at this moment, though I must say that I'm not usually very inspirational anyway. SO I will talk about Halloween instead. (This colored text is really starting to annoy me.. It will not stay the color that I want.) What are you going to be for Halloween? I'm going to be an elf again, because I like elves. But I'm not a nerd... I mean... it's not like I made an elf costume and made my room look like a castle or anything... o.o... Yep, and my little sister will be a dino/dragon. And I'll get candy because she's cute. That's the way to do it. ^_^ 17 is NOT to old to get candy... hehe!
I must say that I'm not usually one to get all fan girlish. I mean, some things yeah, but not usually over famous people. I'm just to mundane to get a famous person to notice me =P But I have to admit that I'm finding it hard to control my fingers right now to not go fan girly over this singer's voice... *swoons* >.> Off to another subject before I bore you more.
But, I guess that you wouldn't be reading this if I was boring you, unless you're just that bored. But that's okay, because I like to help people not be bored. I want to talk about DW again. Starting in 2005, the 9'th Doctor. (I honestly can not spell his name.) The episode where he first meets Rose Tyler. Did anybody else find it interesting that he was looking at his ears/ hair (he only wants to be ginger!) at Rose's house, as if he had just regenerated, but that stalker guy from the Internet had pictures of him? Is that weird to just me? I mean, I know that he could have done all of that in a technical 15 minutes, but he usually finds the time to see what he looks like. I also find it interesting that the earlier Doctors looked aged, but they have progressively gotten younger looking. Hmmm...
I think I will skip away now, and listen to some more BVB (Black Veil Brides). Bye, peoples of the worlds!
OH! Thought I forgot didn't ya? =P tany_1994@yahoo.com SEE YA!
The 9th Doctor's real name is Christopher Eccleston! And yeah, he seems younger every time he regenerates! Who knows, maybe he's like Benjamin Button... after all, the Doctor's a time lord, so the rules of time and space do not apply for him just as they do for us! XD