Thursday, December 8, 2011

Today I talk about CHRISTmas!

I'll just get right to the point. My point is a question. What is the true meaning of Christmas?

The answer to that question is so obvious that if it were a snake, it would bite you. In case anyone is looking at that question with a 'duuuh' look on their face, I'll give you the answer. CHRIST! Shocking, isn't it? It's NOT about presents, trees, santa or anything else. It's about Jesus coming to earth, being born of a virgin in a simple manger. Man... I can not believe that some people don't even realize that.

Then again, not to surprised. Christ and the Bible or banned from public schools, (But please, try to ban evolution teaching and see what happens... -_-') it's banned from the public square, (The nativity scene was ordered to be taken down last year on a public lawn.) and in various other ways our "wonderful" government has banned Christianity. (Oh wait... out President is Christian... yeah... Yes, that is sarcasm.) So it is not surprising that more and more people are trying to take Christ out of Christmas.

Of course, they can try, but they will never really succeed in the hearts of true Christians. They can change the carols and come up with 'Santa Baby' and other silly things. They can have people say 'Happy Holidays!' or 'X-Mas'. Like I said, they can try. But wanna know something funny? That 'X' in 'X-Mas' means CHRIST! HA! So all of those silly people are rubbing there hands and muttering, 'Ha! We fooled those stupid people! They think we took the mention of Jesus out of the holiday! Hahahaha!' And the people that know that X-mas means the same as Christmas can just roll their eyes and say, "Nice try!"

Something that really irks me is the excuses that the people who want to take Christ out of Christmas give. (Just so that everyone knows that may be reading this, I live in America, and am obviously a Christian.) "We don't want to offend anyone of different religions and ethnicities." That is one of the biggest one sided load of crap! Number one, America is SUPPOSED to be a CHRISTIAN country where their residents are called AMERICANS and where the language is ENGLISH! (*eye twitches* There is Spanish EVERYWHERE! On signs, instructions, and various other things. I do not have ANYTHING against Mexicans, but this is AMERICA! LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH!!) If you are here in America, then you should respect our religion, holidays, laws, and other things. If you don't like what our country is, then please feel free to leave and go back to your own. Goodness... I'm so tired of people coming here and making changes that pretty much kick us to the curb like a poor old couch. What if we went down to their country and tried to make changes that we liked? Yeah right, they would kick you out so fast you wouldn't know what hit you! But try that here. Doesn't work, thanks once again to our "wonderful" government!

You aren't Mexican, you don't celebrate Cinco de mayo. You aren't Jewish you don't celebrate Hanukkah. Your a Christian and you don't celebrate CHRISTmas! Am I missing something here?

You know what? I don't care what anyone says. I will happily say 'Merry Christmas!' to anyone and everyone that I see. And if they get offended, then I will not say that to them any more, and I will feel sorry that they are offended that I said the name of the Lord aloud. I will not change my religion, my beliefs, my thoughts just because I do not have those freedoms anymore. Whether you like it or not, it's CHRISTmas and HE is the reason for the season! I hope no one forgets that!



  1. Don't mind what they say, you live by your beliefs, not theirs! ^_^

  2. By the way... It's not America, the name is United States of America... America is the continent! :P

  3. YESH! And.. I knows... I've come across the bad habit of just calling it America instead of United States of America. XD
