Real quick like before I get around to going into depth about the subject that the title hints at. I've had two Mountain Dews in the space of the last hour or so. I expect that I'll be getting hyper here soon. That however will not affect any one of you directly, so I really had no reason to say any of that. I should delete it, but I'm not going to. Ha. =p
So, on a different note. I'm a fan of the medieval/Renaissance time. I like the clothes, weapons, castles, etc. of the time. I have yet to attend a Renaissance Faire, but still I made a cloak and tunic for the occasion. I like the dresses and shirts of the time. Long sleeves, skirts that go to the floor, and most importantly, modesty. I'm looking at a clothing site that sells this type of clothing (HolyClothing). My grandmother comes up behind me, and upon catching sight of some of the shirts says, "That type of clothing is not in fashion any longer." That's true. But ya know, I like this gothic stuff a whole lot better than what most girls my age are wearing. So, outdated, out of fashion, and silly looking to most people? Yep. But cool to me and what I like, modest, and comfy? Yep. Guess what I care most about.
Correct me, please, if I'm wrong. The girls of this time wear short shorts that just about could be considered underwear, and tank tops so low and skimpy that wearing a bikini top would cover more skin where it matters. The guys wear their belts just to keep their pants at their knees, their boxers hanging out for the world to see. Am I wrong here? No... I spend a lot of my time watching people. And what do I notice most about the younger people? Modesty is not a word in their vocabulary. Unless it's to say, "I do not care about being modest." Am I saying this way of dressing is wrong? Oh, yea, I certainly am. Please do not tell me that you can consider it alright for your breasts and bottoms to be out for the world to see? How is that right in anyway? We have a word for that, but I'll refrain from saying it for now. But it's a word that is supposed to be looked down upon. Unfortunately, now it's almost 'uncool' to wear something that would be considered modest. That, that is very sad. (Another sad thing is most of the people that dress like that come from a public school mindset. And upon talking to a few public schooled people, I think showing their body improperly is one of the least of their worries... o.o I'm not saying that they all are like this, those public schooled people. Because I also know some smart ones, and one's that dress in a better fashion.) I am a very modest person, and more than once I've had people ask me why I am so. Why? Because I feel highly uncomfortable with everyone and their brother out on the street seeing me, that's why. Maybe I overkill the modesty thing, but I'm comfortable in what I wear. So, I don't mind how many people roll their eyes at my t-shirt and jeans collection.
Girls: You want to dress that way? Alright, go ahead. Obviously it's your right to. The guys you know probably want you to dress like that, so they can take advantage of you. But why do you want that kind of guy, someone that won't repect you as a person just because your 'hot'? A guy will only respect you as much as you respect yourself, and dressing like that is certainly not respecting yourself very highly. Remember that, when you don't understand why all the guys around you are pigs...
Guys: Seriously? You look dumb with your pants on the ground. Do you waddle about just to keep your pants up like that? What is so cool about that? I mean... really? It's cool to show your underwear now? Uh.. why? Psst... It's not cool... Just so you know...
Okay, recap. Modesty IS still alive in the world. Showing your privates to the world is bad, and it demands respect from no one. You have the right to dress like that, just like I have the right to say that you look silly. I'd suggest Wal-Mart or Goodwill at least. (They have clothes...) I just would like to know why people dress this way, deep down under the 'It's cool!'. They have to have a reason... Or maybe they don't. Isn't that called peer pressure and social standing? Ah... welcome to the world. (Learn to stand on your own and go your own way. Don't get sucked into the torrent of people going with the flow.)
Well, I've went and finished my rant. Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful night. =p
If you love Renaissance, I think you'd love the game Assassin's Creed 2! :) And I agree with you on the clothing thing... it's not that I consider bad to show some skin... but like I said "some" is ok... not "ALL" of it! XD