Saturday, July 7, 2012

Phantoms, bacon, and photos, oh my!

The Phantom of the Opera. A movie done in 2004 with Gerald Butler as the Phantom, Emmy Rossum as Christine, and Patrick Wilson as Raoul. There's various other movies and such with the same name. It's also a play. (I'd love to see the Phantom of the Opera as a play.) But, this is my favorite version, the 2004 movie.

I'm not sure why I like this movie so much. I mean, the Phantom, Erik, haunts an opera house, tricks a beautiful singer, Christine, and then later makes Christine choose between himself and Raoul, her fiancee. Rather morbid, twisted, and such. But to me, although creepy, I think it's... Well, I don't want to say its beautiful, but... it's interesting.

The picture that I put there at the top, to me, it is a beautiful picture. Why? Well, just let me explain. The mask represents who the Phantom is, how he hides his ugliness from the world, masks it over and tries to make it invisible. The rose because it shows the love, though twisted love, that he has for Christine. (That, and I just happen to be a huge fan of roses anyway. ^_^) And the piano, because of the music. 'The music', that can be taken in many different lights. I'm using it as an overview for the whole movie.  (You have to look at it from a non-literal standpoint.) To me, that is a beautiful picture, with or without the explanation of the different items.

The Phantom of the Opera. In the top three of my favorite movies, has an awesome soundtrack that I just so happen to own on CD, and something that I would suggest someone watch if they have not already. Yeah, it's creepy, but I happen to be fan of these kind of things. Wrinkle your nose at me if you so choose to, but... That;s just how I am. ^-^

You're hungry now. Don't even try to deny it. Even if you just got done at a buffet, if someone is frying bacon, you would totally ask for a piece. You know you would.

Well, actually, I didn't have much to say about bacon. But one of my friends mentioned bacon like... on Father's day weekend. I have not had bacon since then. Bacon deprived? Most defiantly. I seriously want some too. We just bought some, so tomorrow, you can bet to see me frying some bacon. (Bacon is actually a fun word to say. And spell... Everything about bacon is just pure awesome. Except the popping while frying. It can't all be good I suppose. XD)

That picture, of a heart and skeleton key, I actually own this picture. What do you think? I really like taking pictures. When I don't have awesome people to take pictures of (or when said awesome people won't let me take their pictures...) random things. Like this. I really like to take pictures of flowers and other nature things.

I really like that heat necklace, it's current home is decorating my wall when I don't wear it. And I have a small collection of skeleton keys. I think they look cool. I also think that they show history, and they make me think of the olden days. I live in a pretty old house now, and some of my keys (that are actually borrowed XD) came from the house. Not sure which doors they go to however. A lot of the locks have been painted over since most people don't use the skeleton keys anymore, and since the newer door handles are a lot simpler to lock. XD Oh, and the bricks in the background are actually part of the church right next door. The church was built about the same time as our house, (we think this may have been the preacher's house.) but the church is no longer being used for services and such. (On a different note, on the other side of our house, and across the street, we have the founder's cemetery. Really old graves and such. It's pretty cool. There's part of my morbidness back. =p)

Well, back to my picture. My uncle didn't see why me and my cousin wanted to take these kind of pictures. And I'm not sure that I really have a good answer except to say that I like to take them. I think that they look neat, and I can express myself in them. I don't really care if people like my pictures or not, or if they understand why I like to take them. It's a part of who I am, and if someone doesn't like that, well... that's just tough, eh? I'm not going to change myself for anyone, just like no one should ask nor expect me too.

If you can tell me where this ish from, you shall receive a cookie. (Mom, you don't count. XD)

 And to finish this off. Happy birthday to my favorite cousin!! I hope that she had an awesome day, full of lots of wishes and dreams come true. Just remember to keep dreaming and dancing to your own beat, cuz! Don't let anyone kick you down, and if they do, just tell me and I'll kick them twice as hard. 'Cause no one messes with my family. ^-^ Anyway, happy birthday!!! Love ya! =)

Bye-bye! ^-^

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