Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Following my dreams.

(Hopefully this blog is readable, without causing seizures. If this happens, please let me know so that I an fix it.)
(PLEASE do not point out all of my typos and errors in today's blog, I'm hurrying.)
Okay, to follow my dreams, I need to get the next three projects done and two years of school. Plus save a LOT of money. I wanted to hurry and finish my school up, but as June came, and summer rolled in, I lost my motivation, and have been unsuccessful in this task. I remember now (as I talk to my second mommy) why it is that I set that task in front of me. So that sometime in hopefully the next few years, I'll find myself in the lower states. This of course, is not my only reason, but it is the main one at the moment. So, when August get's here, I will be cracking down, hopefully, on my school work. I need to get it done and out of my way. Because, I although I know it's not true, it feels like my school work is holding me back. Ah well, I have three reports to write before Monday afternoon. x.x
See ya!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Torn. 'Torn over what?' you might ask. Well, you see, my character finds herself in a fantasy world. What I'm torn about, is whether or not the clothes that just magically fit her should be more realistic to that place (I.E. tunics, cloaks, leggings, skirts, etc.) or if I should leave it as is (I.E. jeans, t-shirts...) I mean, even the second main character wears jeans usually. So.. the modern clothes just don't seem to fit. But there's a good reason why the second guy wears the modern clothes. And everything else around the first character (well, at least her house..) is all to the things that she likes. Ohhh.... the questions that arise from either option!!!

Besides this, I'm having a hay day (field day?) with editing everything that I've written thus far. (not having fun at all) But, that is just one of the many fun (Love my sarcasm yet?) things about writing. The writing part is great.. just the editing sucks. I knew this, so I should quit whining..

Well, I guess that's about all. My brain isn't working for anything other then writing. I do hope that this blog is actually.. somewhat interesting. If not, someone should tell me, so I can fix it! XD Yes, okay, off to never never land. Goodnight!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Why are good titles always so hard to come up with?

Okay, I have not blogged since March... and Outskirts press keeps telling me how blogging can help with writing.... Granted it came in as junk mail... but maybe I'll try it. Because at the moment, I'm stuck.

I have two stories that are strictly in my notebook, but pencil takes so much time. I have four stories on my computer. I have one done that needs to be edited, reprinted, and perhaps resent to my friendly ♥. One of my stories has lost my attention, one is being published by the chapter on Facebook, one I haven't even looked at in months, and one I need to finish fixing before I can really write on it again. But, I have another story idea.

But unlike of all the rest, that I started just because they sounded good, this one is really calling to me. But I keep putting it off until I get at least one other written. I can't stop thinking about it, and I have a great plot for it. It's a Christian book, where the main character chooses to be on God's side, but then has the greatest trial of his life to overcome. His faith is tested. I really feel a pull to do this one, because everyone has their faith tested in one way or another. Having my faith tested is something that I struggle with, of course asking for God's help, and I really think that I'd be able to do a good story on it. I just don't know if I should hold off or not, but I'm leaning for not waiting. If anyone actually read this (XD) would you mind commenting (or sending me a message) and give me you thoughts? That'd be great! Hummly.... I guess that's all for now!

Allons-y! (For for that people that don't know why I say that (Doctor Who XP)) Peace out!