Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Following my dreams.

(Hopefully this blog is readable, without causing seizures. If this happens, please let me know so that I an fix it.)
(PLEASE do not point out all of my typos and errors in today's blog, I'm hurrying.)
Okay, to follow my dreams, I need to get the next three projects done and two years of school. Plus save a LOT of money. I wanted to hurry and finish my school up, but as June came, and summer rolled in, I lost my motivation, and have been unsuccessful in this task. I remember now (as I talk to my second mommy) why it is that I set that task in front of me. So that sometime in hopefully the next few years, I'll find myself in the lower states. This of course, is not my only reason, but it is the main one at the moment. So, when August get's here, I will be cracking down, hopefully, on my school work. I need to get it done and out of my way. Because, I although I know it's not true, it feels like my school work is holding me back. Ah well, I have three reports to write before Monday afternoon. x.x
See ya!

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