Monday, October 10, 2011

A word for the unseen.

No... That is not a reference to ninjas or Doctor Who. Actually, it's about people, real people (not implying that ninjas aren't real.) There is also no Fringe puns in there... >.< No puns towards any books nor shows, 'kay?

In every crowd there's that one kid, that one person, that is always there. Many don't see him.Many don't hear him. That one person that is the most thoughtful. The most caring. The one that sits in the corner and enjoys the party, not by dancing and causing ruckus, but because he watches everyone else having fun, and uses their excitement and joy as his high. The kid that would make sacrifices and do a lot of stuff just to make sure that the others had fun.
Sometimes it's the people that are themselves despite what others might think about their appearance or behavior. The people that can be made fun of all day and still be a shoulder to cry on. The misunderstood. Sometimes their actions go unexplained, mostly because they go unnoticed. But if you happen to see them, why don't you stop and ask? =)
I am, in part at least, this type of person.  I've also noticed them. Sometimes being unnoticed is the object, and if your careful, it's fairly easy. I don't know what it is, about being unnoticed, that is so entertaining. Is it the feeling that you get when you see someone enjoying their gift or whatever? Is it the feeling of skirting the edge of the scene like a ghost? Well, perhaps both. (Plus, it's amusing to just watch people. See how they act, plus you can hear some really good things. =P)
There is a draw back however, well more then one really.  One is being caught at your silent act. Because usually there are two ways that people act when they finally see you. (A.) They either mock you, which is hurtful. (B.) They make you come out of hiding, out of your comfort zone. It's also frustrating to find someone in the middle. Where they don't make fun of you (which you can brush off) nor do they pull you very much (which you can usually escape.) It's the people who are suspicious of how you act and ask questions about it, and in such a way as to make you feel dumb, and then leave it, as if they just brushed you off in a haughty manner because your not worth their time. These people are annoying to deal with, because being quiet doesn't suit them, neither does showing your true colors, it's a lose-lose situation (one that you can also usually brush off after a time.)
All in all,  I guess what I'm trying to say is, look past the crowd. Look to see the people on the outside looking in. The people that are watching instead of being in the spot light. The quiet ones. Usually they have amazing personalties, if you only get to know them well enough. But push them past their limits, past their comfort zones, we all have our limits, whether we show them or not. These people are the misunderstood. The watchers. The ones that understand life. The unseen.


  1. Idk why, but somehow I feel kind of identified with what you wrote! ^_^ *Hugs*

  2. *Hugs back* =D I actually thought of you while I was writing it. XD

  3. Awwwww! Thanks! ^_^ I think most of my best friends would feel identified with it! XD
