Sunday, July 31, 2011

The country life.

This shall, more then likely, be a small post. I'm using another keyboard that has the keys that stick up, how I miss my flat laptop.

At grandpa's. Got here about three weeks ago, gonna be here for about another week. Last week was fair week, so many people. BUt freebies in the vendor tent. Like popsicles and pencils. ^_^

Yes, simple pleasures for simple minds. AND note to self, it is not wise to leave a bored Tater with a pencil or other wiritng device. For clothings and random pieces of paper shall be subjucated (is that spelled right?) to be drawn on.

I shall now go I think. This blog is deafiantly lacking, but it's almost lunch time. TATERZ! Fry 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew! And NO! No one is allowed to cut me up and deep fry me. >.>

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