Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Junk mail... kinda freaky....

My spam mail is seriously starting to bother me... I am not going into details... but Yahoo's spam blocker is in serious need of fixing. *shudders*

So... I'm waiting for my new laptop cord to get here. Until I more then likely will not be on as  much, since I have to use my mom's cord for now, and am mostly just on for school. I'm missing Youtube... and maybe.. my friends... =P So... In a few days I might be on more. I have a writing streak! And now no compy in which to write it on. I'm happy for pencil and papers... but... I MISS MY FLAT KEYBOARD!!! And my keys make a cute little clicky sound... yeah... I have issues... ^_^

Goodnight for now. I'll talk to you later! Be good and safe and no hitting anyone! Unless absolutely necessary! =P PEACE, PEOPLE!

Say no to drugs but yes to tacos! And gummy bears... But make sure that you properly chew them!! Hehe... never mind....

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