Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Good titles are hard to come by.

1 Orthodontist appointment, 4 lessons, 1 test, and 1 project later.... I feel very ready for bed, but it's only 4 P.M. and I'm getting ready to do another project for my English class.

You never really realize how much pain that particular visit to the Orthodontist will cause, until it's hours later and you're eating potato chips. Amazing that it hurts some much, even if all the did was take pictures, molds, x-rays, and replaced your wire and chain. But I think that it was the same size of wire so... I don't really understand why it hurt so dang much. x.x

I really wanna write on my stories.... Bleh... or... Ba hum bug.... or.... something.... I should probably go do that English assignment now... I have to go hunt out four dictionaries.... I'll write more here later! See ya!

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