Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blogging, thinking, listening to music/singing, and talking to my DKP friends. Plus waiting some more. Wee! This shall get interesting I think...

So.. I'm listening to Her Name is Alice by Shinedown. Very erm... interesting song. Haha. So I spent most of the day cleaning/organizing my room. And doing math. x.x

I have gotten no replies from anyone, literally. Not in e-mail or snail mail. I'm gonna go insane if I wait for much longer. XD And I still can NOT tell you my secert.. I was thinking I'd be able to today, but alas... Maybe tomorrow? You probably won;t even care. So when I tell you you'll probably say something like, "Seriously? You got me all excited for that?" Haha oh well sorry! XD

Not sure what else to say right now. So.. goodnight!

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