Monday, February 14, 2011

Okay, so, I've actually written a blog everyday so far. I'm so proud of my self.. not.

Well, Soulmates with a Rockstar is well, actually what it says. My dream was where I was back stag and I met the lead singed of a rock band and he introduced me to the lead guitarist. And I kinda like.. fell in love with him. But it was deeper than that...? I'm not sure how to explain it. 
 Another note of non-interest, last May, I do believe it was, I went to the Tulip festival with my step-mom and grandma.... and I saw this dude is has been dubbed The Denny's guy, because I saw him at Denny's. And the rockstar in my dream looked a lot like Denny's guy. 
But there's something that ties into those two, somewhat. The guy that I sent that letter to today, what if he were to be the Denny's guy? My friend and I were joking about that yesterday. Made for an interesting conversation (not that our conversation are normally interesting.) 
Just some theories and ideas and dreams from a wacky teenager.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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