Thursday, December 8, 2011

Today I talk about CHRISTmas!

I'll just get right to the point. My point is a question. What is the true meaning of Christmas?

The answer to that question is so obvious that if it were a snake, it would bite you. In case anyone is looking at that question with a 'duuuh' look on their face, I'll give you the answer. CHRIST! Shocking, isn't it? It's NOT about presents, trees, santa or anything else. It's about Jesus coming to earth, being born of a virgin in a simple manger. Man... I can not believe that some people don't even realize that.

Then again, not to surprised. Christ and the Bible or banned from public schools, (But please, try to ban evolution teaching and see what happens... -_-') it's banned from the public square, (The nativity scene was ordered to be taken down last year on a public lawn.) and in various other ways our "wonderful" government has banned Christianity. (Oh wait... out President is Christian... yeah... Yes, that is sarcasm.) So it is not surprising that more and more people are trying to take Christ out of Christmas.

Of course, they can try, but they will never really succeed in the hearts of true Christians. They can change the carols and come up with 'Santa Baby' and other silly things. They can have people say 'Happy Holidays!' or 'X-Mas'. Like I said, they can try. But wanna know something funny? That 'X' in 'X-Mas' means CHRIST! HA! So all of those silly people are rubbing there hands and muttering, 'Ha! We fooled those stupid people! They think we took the mention of Jesus out of the holiday! Hahahaha!' And the people that know that X-mas means the same as Christmas can just roll their eyes and say, "Nice try!"

Something that really irks me is the excuses that the people who want to take Christ out of Christmas give. (Just so that everyone knows that may be reading this, I live in America, and am obviously a Christian.) "We don't want to offend anyone of different religions and ethnicities." That is one of the biggest one sided load of crap! Number one, America is SUPPOSED to be a CHRISTIAN country where their residents are called AMERICANS and where the language is ENGLISH! (*eye twitches* There is Spanish EVERYWHERE! On signs, instructions, and various other things. I do not have ANYTHING against Mexicans, but this is AMERICA! LEARN TO SPEAK ENGLISH!!) If you are here in America, then you should respect our religion, holidays, laws, and other things. If you don't like what our country is, then please feel free to leave and go back to your own. Goodness... I'm so tired of people coming here and making changes that pretty much kick us to the curb like a poor old couch. What if we went down to their country and tried to make changes that we liked? Yeah right, they would kick you out so fast you wouldn't know what hit you! But try that here. Doesn't work, thanks once again to our "wonderful" government!

You aren't Mexican, you don't celebrate Cinco de mayo. You aren't Jewish you don't celebrate Hanukkah. Your a Christian and you don't celebrate CHRISTmas! Am I missing something here?

You know what? I don't care what anyone says. I will happily say 'Merry Christmas!' to anyone and everyone that I see. And if they get offended, then I will not say that to them any more, and I will feel sorry that they are offended that I said the name of the Lord aloud. I will not change my religion, my beliefs, my thoughts just because I do not have those freedoms anymore. Whether you like it or not, it's CHRISTmas and HE is the reason for the season! I hope no one forgets that!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The randomness of being a teenager.

Well... actually.. anyone. Considering that adults act like teenagers too, they just get away with making fun of us... >.< I say 'good for you' to those people who can admit to acting like a teenager when you are no longer technically classified as one!
Listening to music even though I have the start of a headache. This is due to the fact that I can not live without music... Not true. I can, but i absolutely love music, I'm listening to something 24/7, 'cause if a electronic device isn't playing something, it's playing in my head. I'm currently listening to Crush Crush Crush by Paramore. Thinking about Secondhand Serenade or All Time Low afterwards. I must say that it if were not for my mom, step-dad and my Twin, then I probably wouldn't knew of all the bands that I do. Or at least, they'd be mostly country.
So... Mom asks me to play Whiter Shade of Pale by Annie Lennox.. I repeat it and come up with 'Whiter Pade of Shale'... Smooth, I know, I'm just that good. I find it oddly amusing some of the things that people will bleep out in songs. No examples of what I mean, all I will say to that is, Have you ever bought a CD from Wal-Mart?
I keep listening to the same... *counts in the air* five..? bands... Now I feel like I should name them. Paramore, Secondhand Serenade, All Time Low, The Ready Set, and Black Veil Brides. (if you haven't heard of any of these bands/ haven't heard any of their music, I have suggestions for you. XD)
I have a   I bookmark to a baby name site... Due to writing and making role play characters... I finally decided to bookmark it so I wouldn't have to keep searching for it...It's interesting, because they give the meanings of names also. 
Okay... my brain is begging for sleep, so goodnight peoples of the universe and beyond!  

Monday, October 10, 2011

A word for the unseen.

No... That is not a reference to ninjas or Doctor Who. Actually, it's about people, real people (not implying that ninjas aren't real.) There is also no Fringe puns in there... >.< No puns towards any books nor shows, 'kay?

In every crowd there's that one kid, that one person, that is always there. Many don't see him.Many don't hear him. That one person that is the most thoughtful. The most caring. The one that sits in the corner and enjoys the party, not by dancing and causing ruckus, but because he watches everyone else having fun, and uses their excitement and joy as his high. The kid that would make sacrifices and do a lot of stuff just to make sure that the others had fun.
Sometimes it's the people that are themselves despite what others might think about their appearance or behavior. The people that can be made fun of all day and still be a shoulder to cry on. The misunderstood. Sometimes their actions go unexplained, mostly because they go unnoticed. But if you happen to see them, why don't you stop and ask? =)
I am, in part at least, this type of person.  I've also noticed them. Sometimes being unnoticed is the object, and if your careful, it's fairly easy. I don't know what it is, about being unnoticed, that is so entertaining. Is it the feeling that you get when you see someone enjoying their gift or whatever? Is it the feeling of skirting the edge of the scene like a ghost? Well, perhaps both. (Plus, it's amusing to just watch people. See how they act, plus you can hear some really good things. =P)
There is a draw back however, well more then one really.  One is being caught at your silent act. Because usually there are two ways that people act when they finally see you. (A.) They either mock you, which is hurtful. (B.) They make you come out of hiding, out of your comfort zone. It's also frustrating to find someone in the middle. Where they don't make fun of you (which you can brush off) nor do they pull you very much (which you can usually escape.) It's the people who are suspicious of how you act and ask questions about it, and in such a way as to make you feel dumb, and then leave it, as if they just brushed you off in a haughty manner because your not worth their time. These people are annoying to deal with, because being quiet doesn't suit them, neither does showing your true colors, it's a lose-lose situation (one that you can also usually brush off after a time.)
All in all,  I guess what I'm trying to say is, look past the crowd. Look to see the people on the outside looking in. The people that are watching instead of being in the spot light. The quiet ones. Usually they have amazing personalties, if you only get to know them well enough. But push them past their limits, past their comfort zones, we all have our limits, whether we show them or not. These people are the misunderstood. The watchers. The ones that understand life. The unseen.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall and other things.

Fall is my favorite seasons. For many reasons. 
  • The colors that tinge the trees.
  • The crunchy leaves, how they sound when you walk on them.
  • My birthday. But I don't really count that. XD
  • The smell of burning leaves.
  • And lastly, the feeling, the atmosphere of fall.  I know that it will sound odd, but it makes me feel closed it when I'm outside, but in a good way. It makes me feel like I'm in the 1800 century England. Like I said, weird. 
Fall is just amazing. ^_^

Next order of blogging, I have red streaks in my hair! It's not dye, they are clipped into my hair, but they stay. It's awesomely amazing! ^_^ I like how the red stands out against my hair. 

I know that this is short, but I think that's all for now! I'm slightly distracted. =P


Sunday, October 2, 2011

The all famous Yahoo News says "Three surprising things about headaches." Let me guess... 1. The hurt, 2. They suck, 3. They're annoying. Oh wait... Those aren't surprising, are they?

I am finding it very difficult to not make Doctor Who references while watching movies and shows. (If you've never seen Transformers *the movies* or Doctor Who, you may want to skip this next bit.) (Comparing DW to Transformers.) Hmm.. An alien planet. A war going on between good and bad. (Auto bots and Decpiticons *probably spelled that wrong*/ Timelords and Daleks) Planet comes to tragic end (Gallifrey and whatever-the-Auto bot's-planet-is called.) Survivors come to Earth (only in the case it's several and not just one. I.E. The Doctor.) Said survivors must once again battle the enemy from long before and destroy them. Hmm... Yeah... That might not have made sense to anybody else, but in my little mind it made perfect sense. =P
Want to know what I think one of the biggest scams is? Dream catchers! They do not catch the bad dreams. Well, at least not mine. >.<. I hardly ever have good dreams. (when I actually remeber them that is.) Prime example of a failed dream catcher? I had a dream about my friend's RP (role play) character (big bad, not one to be messed with) and these two fat ladies in a house on this hill. Why? I honestly have no idea. Nor do I know what I ate before going to bed. O.O. Speaking of odd dreams, I had a dream about Stefan from the Vampire Diaries series. (Books, not show.)

And speaking of books, I wanna say that in a month and 6 days, the last Eragon book is coming out! *happy dance* Yes... I'm back to counting stuff down. =D.

Okay, so, I'm writing this odd story about Rock stars. (I've mentioned it before.) And as everyone knows, couples have fights, right? So, I get this great idea for a chapter. That bad thing is I have the beginning, the second half of my climax, and two resolutions, however, I can not make myself write the climax itself, and I even know what it's gonna be! Five sentences, and I can't do it. All day I've been writing everything but that. It's like.. my mind knows that this happy couple is gonna be all mad at each other and it's gonna be sad, so it's refusing to write it! >.>. Even though it already knows that they're gonna be back together in about four pages and a new chapter. *Rolls eyes at self* I feel so disappointed in myself. I mean come on! I've killed people before in my books! KILLED PEOPLE! *Bahumbugs* I will get it written though, brain! Cause I really wanna send it to my friend! And I have to have it done by November! Bad, brain!
Oh.... Did I say that last bit out loud... Oh dear... Ah well.!

I'm off to mentally yell/argue with myself some more, and make myself write that bit, sooner or later. Talk to you later!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

I feel very Doctor Who-ish right now. I don't now why. But as I do my continuous-random-never-ending-thoughts I keep getting DW references. =D Kind of amusing, and because I am amused, I am content, so I thought I'd share a blog today. First DW mention. "An apple a day keep the doctor away, but if the Doctor is cute, screw the fruit." XD (< That's a smiley face by the way!) Yep! OH! I got another one for ya, this came from an icon I found recently. "You know that your obsessed with Doctor Who when you actually want to be abducted by an alien." ONLY if this alien has a Blue police box, obviously! =P

I'd like to do something different. I can see that people are reading this! (I am NOT a stalker... But I do like you're new carpets! ^_- Kidding!) I am gonna give you people my e-mail address, and if anyone is interested, send me an e-mail and tell me what you think about my blog and/or suggest something for me to write in coming blogs. (Yes, I do realize that you COULD do that in the comments!) Either way, up to you! OH! But if you do, make sure that I know that your e-mailing cause of the blog, or else I'll delete it as I'll think it's spam. ^_^

Do you know what? No? Me either. I was hoping that you did. I had a good dream this morning. It left me happy. Well, not really in a state of joy but content. I was hanging out with some guys that I don't get to hang out with, and my cousin. =P The last time I had one of those dreams was... The night before Valentine's day, and I feel in love with a rock star! XD 

I really don't have anything inspirational to say right at this moment, though I must say that I'm not usually very inspirational anyway.  SO I will talk about Halloween instead. (This colored text is really starting to annoy me.. It will not stay the color that I want.) What are you going to be for Halloween? I'm going to be an elf again, because I like elves. But I'm not a nerd... I mean... it's not like I made an elf costume and made my room look like a castle or anything... o.o... Yep, and my little sister will be a dino/dragon. And I'll get candy because she's cute. That's the way to do it. ^_^ 17 is NOT to old to get candy... hehe!

I must say that I'm not usually one to get all fan girlish. I mean, some things yeah, but not usually over famous people. I'm just to mundane to get a famous person to notice me =P But I have to admit that I'm finding it hard to control my fingers right now to not go fan girly over this singer's voice... *swoons* >.> Off to another subject before I bore you more. 

But, I guess that you wouldn't be reading this if I was boring you, unless you're just that bored. But that's okay, because I like to help people not be bored. I want to talk about DW again. Starting in 2005, the 9'th Doctor. (I honestly can not spell his name.) The episode where he first meets Rose Tyler. Did anybody else find it interesting that he was looking at his ears/ hair (he only wants to be ginger!) at Rose's house, as if he had just regenerated, but that stalker guy from the Internet had pictures of him? Is that weird to just me? I mean, I know that he could have done all of that in a technical 15 minutes, but he usually finds the time to see what he looks like. I also find it interesting that the earlier Doctors looked aged, but they have progressively gotten younger looking. Hmmm... 

I think I will skip away now, and listen to some more BVB (Black Veil Brides). Bye, peoples of the worlds!

OH! Thought I forgot didn't ya?  =P  SEE YA!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

ease Brain! 200 more stinkin' words and I'll leave you alone! Yes, I know that you would rather be playing a game or watching anime, but we're so close to being done with this darn paper! Yes, it's 9:24 PM and it's passed your relaxing time, I understand, but come on! 

What? I'm... the only person that argues with their brains/themselves? Nu huh! I know lots of people that argue with themselves..  It seems to be quite natural... Oh... Okay, so apparently my blog prefers red to purple now? 

Ha! Now it's blue! What ya gonna do about blogger? No... I don't know... Oh dear...  Now it appears that I'm arguing web sites... aw come on! I can't have blue either? What the heck!

Green? Is green okay? o.o... Okay, because I want something somewhat non crazy and actually some what sane  (did I just repeat myself using slightly different words? I think I did...) to come out of this time-wasting-should-be-writing-last-200-words-of-paper blog... I shall do something that I mentioned before, some amount of blogs back. I'm gonna post my poems about none other than... *Drum roll sounds and crowd holds their breaths* Doctor Who! Yes, because I am a fellow Whovian nerd. (And darn proud of it!) Although (yes.. my text is red again... that is rather annoying actually...) I think it was clear about my Doctor Who liking before. Hmm.. Okay. Now I will post meh poems. (Which are copy righted to me, because I wrote them, and if you steal them and use them as your own I will hunt you down...and and... stuff your noes with peanut butter and do... To the Pain (Princess Bride reference by the way.) Which I heard is highly painful... but at least you live... *insert random evil laughter*) Afterwards, I'm gonna finish that report that I want to strangle, and possibly waste the next hour doing absoletuly nothing worth mentioning... Which I guess I kin already did.. Yay for random rambling? DUH! XD... Okay... I need to stop. Goodnight! Allonsy, Alonso! (I so still want that shirt! XD)

Doctor Who
Traveling through time and space,
Always moving, never at a constant pace.
Hoping around without so much as a thought,
Sometimes landing in the wrong spot.
Armed only with a sonic screwdriver,
Always the one to be the survivor.
Always to be strong,
Even if he is wrong.
Forever alone,
Although he is well-known.
Never having peace at mind,
Always on the look out for something greater to find.
He is as like a ghost,
Not knowing whether to stay or go.
Someday he may find peace,
But we do know that he will not cease. 

Kay... Thought I had two. Apparently only one. Whatever. Goodnight, people of the world and or universe!  

Monday, September 19, 2011

Can we say pathetic? Yes, I think we can.

Today, I am going to critique someone... again. This seems to be getting to be a regular thing for me. Pathetic? Who's being pathetic? And why am I saying that they are? Both very fine questions. And questions that I will answer. Who? I don't actually know them, nor do I care too. However, I will say that they are males on facebook that need to get a real girlfriend. Or a job. Or some friends. Second, Why? Because they are making quizzes now (on facebook) that are giving people the chance to get their numbers.
Now, of course this is (at hopefully) directed at girls. But, how in the world, do these guys know that some fat forty year old dude isn't going to be chatting them up? Oh another thing to be brought up, to give these guys partial credit, maybe it isn't their real phone numbers, but still. Why would they do that? And... honestly.. wow... just wow... 

Hmm.. Okay.. Dinner. Maybe next time I'll have something at least somewhat different to rant about. =P 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Surprisingly, after a really long day, all that I feel like doing is drinking my cherry coke and writing. Awesome. XD

Okay, to make my point about this next part, I have to tell you how I was dressed today, okay? Black high tops, black and gray knee high socks (but you couldn't see them), a tan colored long sleeved shirt, black cargo pants, and a silver necklace that I got for Christmas. And then a pair of fingerless gloves. Imagine the oddness. Okay. I know that a lot of the different 'cliques' or 'groups' or whatever you want to call them, have different clothes that they wear. I was dressed in mainly black, so I suppose that someone could call me emo or goth. But, although I like some of every 'cliques' clothes, and wear some, and listen to their music, and like some of their sayings, I'm not trying to be them. I'm not trying to be emo, goth, prep, or nerd. I'm not a wannabe, poser, or a hater. I guess that leaves me being a... nobody. That's fine with me. Because if being a nobody means that I can be me, then I don't care what you call me. My motive is to be me. Not follow along with the crowd. I'm not trying to set fashion trends. (haha, yeah right! No one would dress like me XD) And I'm not trying to stand out. I just like being me, and sometimes my likes falls into the 'groups'. To. Bad.

Well, part of the reason that I felt like saying this was because I think that at least two people laughed at me at Wal-mart today. I think it's a little funny that they laughed at me. I know that I laugh at people some times, but really, no one is better then someone else. Laughing at someone just shows how sad you sense of humor is, and yes this goes for me as well. I know that I'll probably do it again, and I know that others will probably laugh at me. But I don't care. I won't cry because of jerk at wal-mart that I don't know thinks I'm dressed funny. Okay, rant over. XD

I really wanna drive! XD

Okay... bye bye!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Woo! I am done with English this year, expect for five projects! And it only took me less then two months. ^_^ Yay for homeschooling! Up next? Math! NOT looking forward to it. It's Algebra II... Bleh.

Okay. I'm usually not a hater. Gays (not in the sense of 'happy') can be gays. Just as long as they leave me alone or at least don't push that crap on me, I don't care. But quite honestly, there seems to be a problem with the guys in this generation. For example? Justin Bieber. Here's why I say this. He wears those goofy 'nerd' glasses, and openly said that he wears women's pants. (I'm sure he had a good explanation, but come on!) Oh! You want another example? I just say on Yahoo an article on men's fashion, and out of curiosity, I went to see. I've now been scared for life. Okay. Clutches and man purses. (To make it worse, th man purse matched his shirt.) Okay... Let's see... Man skirts, man leggings, man skinnies, and if I missed something, well... OH! And a bikini. I'm not joking. What happened to the rough and tough, we don;t care if we get dirty, wanna be only manly, that's what girls like? Okay, fine, I'm sure that some girls (forgive me for saying this, or not, I don't care) like the whimpy look. I personally think that it looks pathetic and dorky for a guy to be wearing heels, skinny jeans, leggings, skirts, or anything else that a girl should be wearing. I am disappointed.

Okay, with that rant aside... I've had mountain dew today, first time in about three weeks.  Mixed with some role playing based on Phantom of the Opera, listening to Phantom of the Opera music (because it's freaking awesome!), and talking to one of my besties... I'm kind of hyper! And to make it better, it's been raining, and it's getting to be fall! My favorite season! I don't know why, I just love it. It's cool so you get to wear jeans and awesome long sleeved cover-your-hands shirts but it's not freezing! WooT! Okay... Gonna go.

Allonsy! And... Goodbye! And... See ya! XD

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My mom says that I like to count things down a lot, and I think it annoys her when I do it a lot. But... I don't think that I do it that often. I mean... sure it's only 14 days until my birthday, and it's a month and 19 days until Nano starts, oh! and it's only about a month until my friend's birthday. Okay... well... Maybe I do count down a lot. XD

I just took a "What element are you?" quiz on facebook, and got lightning. They said that fire is my weakness. How is fire the weakness of lightning? I don't understand! Anyway, I thought that it was kind of funny taking that quiz though. Because I kept answering the questions in a way that would have linked me to all of then expect for darkness. (don't see how that;s an element. oh well. I like the earth element best. that wasn't an option in that one though.) Anyway, it was amusing. I won't put much stock into that though, it was just a thing to pass time.

Watched Priest  this evening. Interesting vampire story. I can see a second one coming. I thought that the vamps looked like another alien though. I can;t think from what movie though... maybe AVP. I don't know. I liked the Priests though. They kicked some vampire booty! I thought that they were better then Blade. (But I still like him!) And the vamps didn't sparkle in the sunlight! Oh yeah! =P I have issues against sparkly vampires... IT:S WRONG! But then again... vampires in general are a little weird and totally inhuman in every way.

Hmm... Next point of subject. I don;t think I actually have one. Other then Ihave another thing to count down. =P The release of Inheritance (the last book of the Eragon cycle). It;s release date is in one months and 19 days. ^_^ November 8th! FINALLY! Okay... I'm off. Goodnight!

Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm so excited!!!! But I don't want to tell you yet! Sorry! XD That was so mean... hehe...

Okay... People usually have blogs to be... inspirational... informational....etc... But mine isn't really that much of either is it? More like... A whole bunch of random goop that I write... But it must be somewhat interesting/amusing/something good, because people keep reading it! That's somewhat promising. Know what else is promising? That I only have two sections left in enlgish, that I actually feel like writing, and that I am listening to loud-ish music. (I have no clue how loud music would be promising, but I like loud music and it makes me happy, so... it doesn't have to be promising! ) Yes... Tonight feels pretty dang good. XD

And you know what? Look on the bright side for once you people! BE HAPPY! You can't have that new game station? Look behind you and realize that you have twenty other 'old' versions to play, plus all the games for it. OH! And in about ten years (more or less), you will have 'collectible' and 'old' game systems that you can sell on Ebay for a great price and use the money to buy the newer and cooler one then. Oh yeah! Hehe that was really random. So I'm gonna go write! I hope that I can keep my fingers going for a few more hours! Goodbye!!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

So. I came to a sudden non-life-changing conclusion. That I know is probably wrong but it's still fun. You know what arranged marriages are, right? Where evil parents (I only say that their evil because they don' like their kids fall in love >.>)Force their kids to marry someone. Anyway... the reason that they did this at birth was to make sure that the kid's first name would go good with both their original last name and their married name. But boy's wouldn't have this problem, since most of them keep their names. But yeah! Now you know why I think there was (are?) arranged marriages at birth. All for the sake of good sounding names. Odd reason, but I'm an odd person. (But thank goodness I am not in an arranged marriage... At least... that I know of... Hmmm... LOL Not likely. At all... dropping the subject.... Goodbye arranged marriages and awesome names.)

And helllllllo..... That only works if you have something else to say. Which I don't.... Other than to say... HI! And.... I'm bored... and my ears are ringing sort of... and my tooth hurts. I'm just a ball of sunshine aren't I? =P Yep.... That's because I am an awesome person and stuffs. That's why. And... I think I'm gonna go... and stuffs... And find a game to play that is awesome.. and Maybe right a letter... and a thank you card... or two... or three... Hmm... Yes. GOODNIGHT! SLEEPTIGHT! and uh.... ROCK ON! 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ow! Ow! Ow! 

Okay... no more cold stuff for a while.  OW! It would seem that for now on... most things that I eat (drink) will have to be warm or at least room temperature. For, one of my teeth are EXTREMELY sensitive to cold. And, blonde moment that I just had.... Ice cream is supposed to be cold right? Well, I'm letting my warm up to eat (drink) so I've been stirring it and it's to a place where I could suck it through (not warm yet) and OMG! It hurt... Hence the beginning there.... ^_- Yep, I'm bright at times. Tehe.

So, I really want to be inspirational, but I don't know what I want to talk (rant?) about. I did have an idea.. and it kind of went bye-bye... so... It seems like that's happened a LOT lately. I feel extremely forgetful. (Yes, even more so then usual =P ) And kind of brain dead. I don't know why though... The drugs from my surgery should have worn off by now... Lack of food (hard, solid, delicious food that I don;t have to slurp...) Maybe? However, this is doubtful, because I have been getting the nutrients that I need. Could be because my head feels weird in my spot (like a inch-worm in there... like a muscle that has to reconnect or something... Don't ask about the inch worm thing. =P )And my right cheek is still kinda puffy, and my left side is very numb. (So is my right but I can feel it more in my left cheek... Face... I'm talking about my face... XD)
AND! It hurts to SMILE! Like... right where my nose joins my face. How horrible is that? I mean seriously!

Anyway... (this is unedited and sorry, but I really don't care right now.) I need to do some English, eat some ice cream soup (after it gets warm XD), and idk.. I'll find something else to do for a few hours before I fall over. ^_^ Goodbye for now! (my arm feels tired from typing so much... hmm...)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Update.

Surprisingly, I think my grammar will be as good as usual, maybe a tad worse, please bear with me, I can only see out of one eye at the moment. Now, before anyone freaks out on me, I had jaw surgery, upper and lower. (you'll have to ask one of my parents what exactly they did, and don;t call to talk to me, I can only communicate with grunts, points, and written words) My right cheek puffed up (swelling) but this morning I was able to open my eye a little, and can now see the pretty flowers on the top of our TV (very pretty and bright ones from my wonderful momma, and some from the doctor. They're pretty too, just not as bright.) I'm on an all liquid diet that really sucks because food smells sooooo good! But some good things that will come from this? I was promised really good pizza and a BIG bowl of homemade popcorn from my step dad XD Yeah that;s right, two of my fave foods, I just have to wait for.. oh... six ish weeks... =P AND he bought me gum!! Yay!! He said he was starting my collection for when I could have it again (which is after my braces come off... can't wait.)

So.... It's rather boring just sitting here all day... and night... but TV and laptop and family is making it better. Oh.... One thing I'd like to clear up.... My blog is not a place for me write all of my daily things, that's for my diary. I have told some personal things, but nothing that i really mind sharing with the public... I mean... I'm NOT posting a pic of my horribly puffy self. OH! And one more thing... maybe two... typing seems to be helping me a bit, so maybe since i have nothing else to do, I'll make lots more of these XD and if anyone has a private train/ teleporter will you please let me borrow it? Pwease?? =P see ya... maybe... later XD ^_-

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sorry. My objective is being put on hold for while.  A lot of things are going on right now, and since it's been so busy and stressing I haven't found the time to write. I have something big tomorrow morning, and I probably won't be on for a few days at least. Sorry for not writing one of these in a few days though, I know I said that I was going to try to.

Well, I found something out that is kind of exciting a few days ago. People from U.S., Russia, Mexico, and Germany have been reading my blog, or at least looked at it. XD. That may not sound like much to some people, but I think it's pretty darn cool. =P

Well, I gotta go. Talk to you guys later! OH! And thanks for reading this. =) It means a lot to me.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm thinking of doing something new, but I'm not sure if it will work or not. My plan is to write a blog everyday that I can. My goal is to tell you all what I've written on my story. I'm thinking that maybe if I guilt myself, then I can get more writing done that way. Like I said, I;m not sure if it will work not. But right now seems a great time to write. I've found awesome music, my sister is taking a nap, and it's semi-quiet. So... I'll edit this later on tonight and give ya my achievement of the day.

1,107 words is my achievement for the day. That;s actually kinda good for me. o.o hmm... But I'm done for the day. And.. I learned that using my new hair dryer for a few minutes will kill the power upstairs... that was a interesting experience.... XD Goodnight! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


A week from today is my jaw surgery. I've been trying to desperately forget about it. I'm so scared. But I have my parents, friends, family, and of course, God. I'm still scared though. I'm glad for my English class, music, friends, mom and step-dad, and my writing. I can forget about it. The only part that I'm really scared about it being taken into the operating room and being knocked out. Pathetic right? Especially since I've had my tonsils and adenoids and wisdom teeth taken out. I'm like an old pro at this kinda thing. The best thing about this? It's a six-ish week diet and this should be the last surgery for my mouth. Yay. Still not looking forward to it.

On a happier note. I get to write a couple poems and creative stuff for my class. The poems are probably both gonna be about Doctor Who. *laughes* It's so easy to write poems about the Doctor. But I hope they change the Doctor soon in the new season. I liked Ecclestion and Tennant better. (9th and 10th Doctor characters) (And I probably spelled their names wrong, sorry =/ )I don't like Smith so much, he's got a tall head >=P (Smith is the 11th Doctor... just for the people who have no clue what I'm talking about... It's a British sci-fi show with dry British humor. It's about an alien that looks like a human (roughly 900 years old) and he flys around in a Police Box (they had them in Britain) anyways... I likes it. ^_^ Go Fellow Whovians!) I might put my poems up on here later. I still need to write one. *Is guessing that one of her friends will be commenting on this when he reads it* ^_- XD

My... sister... O.O. OUI!

Okay... anyway.... I have blood blisters on my wrist from carrying too many grocery bags. I know ya'll needed to know that. =P AND! My cousin told me to get on this RP site called Chicken Smoothie... and then she deserts me and won't join my RP.... I feel lonely on there. I'm so lame. =p Okie.... Gonna have dinner and stuffs. Might be back later tonight, no clue. Gonna clean out my closet and stuffs. PEACE AND ALLONSY!


Monday, August 15, 2011

I know that I already wrote a post tonight, but I'm thinking about something that I wish to share.

Have you ever wished that you were the popular chick that has the captain of the football team wrapped around her finger and the fancy sports car? What if what you see is a fancy sugar coating that covers her true life? Would you still want it even if you knew the truth? Same question to the guys, only, have you wished that you were the popular dude, captain of the football team with the cheerleader hanging off you?

Why can't we just be happy with what God has given us? You're not the most popular. Instead, you're the geeky/ nerdy one that everyone picks on for liking D&D (Dungeons and Dragons. Fantasy RPG). But so what? You get to chose your world, and for just a moment, leave reality and become someone else. You don't get to be in the popular scene, the rich kids sneer and call names. But.. if you stop and think... You're friends stick by you no matter who you date and what you wear. Your friends are cooler because they don't make fin of you for like D&D and would actually like to play a game of it. You're life may be perfect, but come on! Name one person's who is! (And not just on the outside!) Be happy about who you are! And if you don't like it, then change it! But stay true to yourself! (This of course is about everyone, and not just the nerdy/ geeky ones! Everyone wants to be someone else at one point or another!)

Be true, be happy, enjoy life, and live it to it's fullest!
Ello, World!

Working on transferring chapter two to my computer! However... Although this chapter holds some information that I need, I don't know of it will stay the way it is or not. I feel like I'm being horrible to my characters. I know! That's what you're supposed to do! But I mean... I don't know. I can't explain without giving it away so... I'm kinda sad that it's only a few pages long, that may change as  I go, I don't know.

I keep wanting to say things that I think I have already said.... Interesting.

Well, yesterday I got some black and red hair dye. Hope to use some of the red tomorrow, but I have to wait to  use both at once because I have a neat idea, but my hair needs to be shorter. AND I've no moneys for that right now. Maybe i can get it done before my surgery! ^_- Hehe I'd be fashionable for that. grand idea! =P

Alright, blogging may be fun, but this is not helping me transfer! Night night world!!

P.S. Looking for a clean comedian? Go to youtube and look up Tim Hawkins! =P

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tut tut... Looks like rain!

The clouds have rolled in, making the 7:40 PM afternoon look more like 9 PM-ish. Looks like rain. I hope it does.

I'd like to share something that I wrote for English class. I haven't gotten a grade for it, and I don't even know if I wrote it right or not for the assignment. I kind of like it, so here it is!

    Robin, the court jester of the Silver Moon palace, jumped about, his lively and bright attire catching the eyes of the nobility that sat at their plates, patiently awaiting the first course. Robin clapped his hands and sang catchy songs about robbers and dragons, of fair maidens and knights in shining armor. This job that he did, that of a fool, was the only thing that he took happiness in. It was not the idea of acting like an idiot, but the smiles and giggles that arose from his audience. The only problem was Sir Lave, the king’s assistant. Lave did not like Robin, mostly because they were brothers, and also because Lave was tired of everyone thinking that he was a fool hearty idiot just because his blood brother was. Robin did not approach his brother, Lave, because if he accidentally spilled a drop of wine on Lave or the king, then he may not have a head come the next day’s morn. So he stayed on the other side of the room, and on the sides, catching the eye of the king once or twice, breathing fire every so often, and being happy while he acted like a fool hearty idiot. For that was the job of the court jester of Silver Moon palace, as Robin was

And there is a tornado warning and severe thunderstorm watch. Strong winds and rain are already here, so I'm signing off for at least until the storm is over, unless the power goes out. Tata! **EDIT** Storms mostly over. No tornadoes. Yay!

Friday, August 12, 2011


What is this thing called life? Is it a board game that can either make ya rich or strike ya poor? Or is it something that likes to make people happy for a day, month or two, and then BOOM! Everything that has to do with anything goes wrong. And you're left hoping that one thing... just ONE thing will go right? Well... maybe that's what life is. But really... who knows? Everybody's perspective on it is different. Maybe just a smidgen but different all the same.

When life throws ya lemons, promise me that you'll make lemon pie or lemon aide. Just don't stomp around and squirt the juice in people's eyes just because you wanted apples. What's that gonna do other than make everybody upset? Imagine if everyone made pie instead of squirting. The world would smell awesome, and everyone would be fat and happy, not grumpy all the time. (Odd comparison... I know...)

We have to make do with what God has given us while we wait for our just rewards. It profits none to sit in envy and brooding just because we want to act like a three year old when they don't get their way. (trust me... I know how they act... >.>)

I hope this has inspired, if not, I tried. Goodnight, People.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Okay. Got another project down. Tomorrow I think I'll focus on my lessons instead of the third project. But tonight I think I'll listen to All Time Low (Band) and work on typing my story out. I might a sneak preview on here someday... What do you all think of that idea? Hmm.... Half a battery... that might last me at least half a page... *sighs*


Good titles are hard to come by.

1 Orthodontist appointment, 4 lessons, 1 test, and 1 project later.... I feel very ready for bed, but it's only 4 P.M. and I'm getting ready to do another project for my English class.

You never really realize how much pain that particular visit to the Orthodontist will cause, until it's hours later and you're eating potato chips. Amazing that it hurts some much, even if all the did was take pictures, molds, x-rays, and replaced your wire and chain. But I think that it was the same size of wire so... I don't really understand why it hurt so dang much. x.x

I really wanna write on my stories.... Bleh... or... Ba hum bug.... or.... something.... I should probably go do that English assignment now... I have to go hunt out four dictionaries.... I'll write more here later! See ya!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Junk mail... kinda freaky....

My spam mail is seriously starting to bother me... I am not going into details... but Yahoo's spam blocker is in serious need of fixing. *shudders*

So... I'm waiting for my new laptop cord to get here. Until I more then likely will not be on as  much, since I have to use my mom's cord for now, and am mostly just on for school. I'm missing Youtube... and maybe.. my friends... =P So... In a few days I might be on more. I have a writing streak! And now no compy in which to write it on. I'm happy for pencil and papers... but... I MISS MY FLAT KEYBOARD!!! And my keys make a cute little clicky sound... yeah... I have issues... ^_^

Goodnight for now. I'll talk to you later! Be good and safe and no hitting anyone! Unless absolutely necessary! =P PEACE, PEOPLE!

Say no to drugs but yes to tacos! And gummy bears... But make sure that you properly chew them!! Hehe... never mind....

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The country life.

This shall, more then likely, be a small post. I'm using another keyboard that has the keys that stick up, how I miss my flat laptop.

At grandpa's. Got here about three weeks ago, gonna be here for about another week. Last week was fair week, so many people. BUt freebies in the vendor tent. Like popsicles and pencils. ^_^

Yes, simple pleasures for simple minds. AND note to self, it is not wise to leave a bored Tater with a pencil or other wiritng device. For clothings and random pieces of paper shall be subjucated (is that spelled right?) to be drawn on.

I shall now go I think. This blog is deafiantly lacking, but it's almost lunch time. TATERZ! Fry 'em mash 'em stick 'em in a stew! And NO! No one is allowed to cut me up and deep fry me. >.>

Sunday, July 10, 2011

To title or not to title... THAT is the question!

Plus, I can never think of a good title anyway.

I've taken over my mom's desktop, and I dun like the keyboard. It's not as little or as flat as my laptop. But I'll have to deal with it for now. I've fried my laptop cord again, so I'll have to buy a new one. Until that time, I'll have to borrow my mom's laptop cord. So, I won't be on as much. Just wanted to let you all know, that's why I probably won't be on messenger or facebook.

Need a good song to listen to? Citizen Soldier- 3 Doors Down. I don't know why, but I love this song. Another thing that I love at the moment? A book called Sasha. I don't know the author's name at the moment, but I will tell you later when I have the book with me. (I'm to lazy to go up to my room and get it.) Another good book is The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima. So is the second book by her in the series. Haven't read the last one yet. AND yet another book series I want to tell you about. The Dragonkepper Chronicles by Donita K. Paul. Fantasy based Christian book. Lots of dragons. ^_- Obviously.

Well, I should probably go. I shall return sooner or later!

I wish Doctor Who was real. Just so I could borrow his Tardis and go visit my friends in the south and then go to my grandpa's. Blargh! "If wishes were horses poor men would ride." This is true. By, Friends! Talk to you later and Allonsy!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Random blog. I don't have anything to say really.

I'm watching Monarch of the Glen. Wonderful show, full of drama. It's about an estate in Scotland. Beautiful castle, despite the WWII bomb going off in the basement. One warning about this show, if you don't like watching something where you yell at the characters, or if you're watching it with someone who likes to yell at the TV, do NOT watch it. XD AND the people in the show just DON'T listen to you... Gosh. Just like horror movies. "Okay, you've hidden in the closet. Now QUIT opening the door! Yeah see... now the serial killer with the hatchet knows where you are!" ... Yeah. I like yelling at stupid characters. =P

And books. Like... when two people are perfect for each other.. like Eragon and Arya. THEY NEED TO BE TOGETHER!!!!!!!! Sorry... I have issues. x.x

Yay for being odd right? RIGHT?! No...? Fine, whatever. I still think so though... I wonder if the mails here yet...

Perhaps I shall leave you all now. I really wanna go swimming. XD Ah well, I will later! BYE!

ALLONSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P

Thursday, July 7, 2011

>.> I love talking to my Twin, but she makes it impossible to be sad. Even after such a long, stupid day. You may ask, "Is that really a bad thing?" Well... no.. it isn't. Unless you're twisted like me, and want to be sad. =P

My grandpa is still sick, and I was supposed to go over finally today. But now my grandma is feeling sick too. So.. there is a slight possibility that I'll finally be down there by this time next week. Which sucks monkey butts because I only have until August 1'st to be there.

*Just took half an hour away from writing this* So... all of my thoughts are now lost and jumbled, and confused with laughter... Because apparently.. well... never mind... Just... *shakes head* My Twin just threw me for a loop... XD I love that girl.

OH! I remember what else I wanted to say. It really doesn't concern anyone here, but... I keep wondering if I'll see the guy that lives near my grandpa when I go down there. Probably not, but I can hope right? And! For some reason.. the Denny's guy just popped into my head.... >.>

Okay.. this is getting odder as I go... so perhaps I shall go away and focus on talking to my Twin and rping with a friend. Yes, that sounds like a good plan! And perhaps another dear friend of mine will get on. Haha.. anyway.. Goodnight and goodbye!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Do I blog right? Is there a way to blog wrong? I don't know. Perhaps I shall ask the blog fairy, now if only she existed...

So, I'm kinda blue, because my grandpa isn't feeling well so I probably won;t be able to go down for a few more days. I guess that gives me more time on the net with with my parents and little sister... but still.  Oh well. Tis life.

Okay. Teenagers. Sometimes I get this impression that every teenager from 12 to 18 are all lumped into one category. We all like the same music, the same books... etc. BUT WE DON'T! In fact... I dislike most of the things that are popular for teens right now. Like skinny jeans, leggings, uggs, Twilight, Bieber, True Blood. One, I hate clothes that don't cover you/ show off everything you have by making it stand out with tight clothing. Two, True Blood (I think that's the title anyway...) and Twilight are just horrible vampire stories. (Yeah, yeah, some of you like it, great. This is my blog, deal with it.) Twilight... Sparkly vampires... what the heck? Vampires are supposed to be bad, mean blood sucking leeches. Not sparkly elf fairies. and I started reading the other, 10 pages into it and there was so many references to nasty stuff that I had to put it down before I got sick.

Well, anyway, that wasn't exactly the reason that I mentioned teens and being grouped. (However, has anyone noticed lately how over half of the new teen books are all vampire related?? I must admit, I do like the Vampire Diaries.. sue me. Team Stefan! But I like Damon too... *Likes the books over the show* BUT that's a different subject...)

Grr! The whole reason that I even started this was... EVERYONE  expects teenagers to have a boyfriend/ girlfriend. In the last 4 months, at least three people have asked me if I have a boyfriend. I kind of find that question irritating, because it isn't their business. Besides, I don't really care right now, anyway. I'd like to have one, sure, but I'm not trying either. So, for all of my friend's that do have a special someone, congrats. Hope ya stay happy and stuffs. I'm just tired of older people asking me if I have a boyfriend, and expecting me to just because I'm stuck being a teen. (Although, I do like being a teenager! I'm just kind of disappointed in most of the newest music and book selection.)

This is a rather different post. But I'm bored at 9:30 PM. So... here I am... typing away. OH! One more question. Has anyone noticed how rock-ish country has gotten lately? I mean, not all of it, but on the CMT awards, they had Bieber, Paramore, and Kid Rock announcing stuff. Plus there was what...? Two country/ rap songs? Wow... I thought it was terrible, but that's just me.

SO! Goodnight world! I hope tomorrow is a better day. Sleep tight, don't let any biggies bite. I now leave you to your musings and thoughts... and whatever else!! XD


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Following my dreams.

(Hopefully this blog is readable, without causing seizures. If this happens, please let me know so that I an fix it.)
(PLEASE do not point out all of my typos and errors in today's blog, I'm hurrying.)
Okay, to follow my dreams, I need to get the next three projects done and two years of school. Plus save a LOT of money. I wanted to hurry and finish my school up, but as June came, and summer rolled in, I lost my motivation, and have been unsuccessful in this task. I remember now (as I talk to my second mommy) why it is that I set that task in front of me. So that sometime in hopefully the next few years, I'll find myself in the lower states. This of course, is not my only reason, but it is the main one at the moment. So, when August get's here, I will be cracking down, hopefully, on my school work. I need to get it done and out of my way. Because, I although I know it's not true, it feels like my school work is holding me back. Ah well, I have three reports to write before Monday afternoon. x.x
See ya!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Torn. 'Torn over what?' you might ask. Well, you see, my character finds herself in a fantasy world. What I'm torn about, is whether or not the clothes that just magically fit her should be more realistic to that place (I.E. tunics, cloaks, leggings, skirts, etc.) or if I should leave it as is (I.E. jeans, t-shirts...) I mean, even the second main character wears jeans usually. So.. the modern clothes just don't seem to fit. But there's a good reason why the second guy wears the modern clothes. And everything else around the first character (well, at least her house..) is all to the things that she likes. Ohhh.... the questions that arise from either option!!!

Besides this, I'm having a hay day (field day?) with editing everything that I've written thus far. (not having fun at all) But, that is just one of the many fun (Love my sarcasm yet?) things about writing. The writing part is great.. just the editing sucks. I knew this, so I should quit whining..

Well, I guess that's about all. My brain isn't working for anything other then writing. I do hope that this blog is actually.. somewhat interesting. If not, someone should tell me, so I can fix it! XD Yes, okay, off to never never land. Goodnight!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Why are good titles always so hard to come up with?

Okay, I have not blogged since March... and Outskirts press keeps telling me how blogging can help with writing.... Granted it came in as junk mail... but maybe I'll try it. Because at the moment, I'm stuck.

I have two stories that are strictly in my notebook, but pencil takes so much time. I have four stories on my computer. I have one done that needs to be edited, reprinted, and perhaps resent to my friendly ♥. One of my stories has lost my attention, one is being published by the chapter on Facebook, one I haven't even looked at in months, and one I need to finish fixing before I can really write on it again. But, I have another story idea.

But unlike of all the rest, that I started just because they sounded good, this one is really calling to me. But I keep putting it off until I get at least one other written. I can't stop thinking about it, and I have a great plot for it. It's a Christian book, where the main character chooses to be on God's side, but then has the greatest trial of his life to overcome. His faith is tested. I really feel a pull to do this one, because everyone has their faith tested in one way or another. Having my faith tested is something that I struggle with, of course asking for God's help, and I really think that I'd be able to do a good story on it. I just don't know if I should hold off or not, but I'm leaning for not waiting. If anyone actually read this (XD) would you mind commenting (or sending me a message) and give me you thoughts? That'd be great! Hummly.... I guess that's all for now!

Allons-y! (For for that people that don't know why I say that (Doctor Who XP)) Peace out!

Monday, March 7, 2011

I have a question that only I can answer, but I don't have an answer. The question is, what am I going to do with my life? I have a grasp on a writing career, although I need to understand and learn a lot of about it. (And learn how to spell.. >.> Thanks goodness for spell check.) I also need to get past this, "I don't feel like writing, even though I haven't touched my story in three weeks... Oh! This game looks like fun..." if I except to get any where with my writing. I would like to make this my main career, I guess I'll have to wait and see.

But I still have two years before I'm even out of high school. I don't plan on going straight into college (x.x is how you'd find me after a few days...). Anyway, I'm not sure what I want to do once high school is over. Maybe spend some time with my Grandpa, or save some money and take a road trip to the southern states. I'm not really sure.

But then there's the question of what  actually want to get a degree in, and what I'll do after college, and what my life will be like. Like where will I live? This is actually kind of scary for me, because I have no idea. I'll just lean on God, and let Him lead me to where ever he wants me to be, and I'll be with whoever He wants me to be with.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wow... I've failed to write ones of these for a while... x.x
Well, I am now free to tell you my big secert. =P I actually finished a book! And had it printed. ^_^ But I couldn't say that because I gave a copy of it to my friend ♥ She wasn't expecting it. Hehe but I'm happy to report that she loved it. (You know who you are! =D If you're reading this before I talk to you next, I FREAKING MISS YOU!!!!!! Oh and when is a good time for me to call? XD)

So.. I took my driving test thingy... and now have my permit. (Although I do NOT like driving and probably won't for some time. And although some of my friends like to tease me by saying that I'm going to run them over... I'll have them know that I haven't hit anything yet. >.< =D)

I am still reading Inkspell... which I've been reading since Christmas o.o.... But I'm almost down with it. XD Meggie and Farid are so cute. ♥

I don't know what else to report right, unless you're interested in knowing that my dinner is almost done and I'll be watching a TV show called "The 4400". Which I doubt ya do but now you know.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blogging, thinking, listening to music/singing, and talking to my DKP friends. Plus waiting some more. Wee! This shall get interesting I think...

So.. I'm listening to Her Name is Alice by Shinedown. Very erm... interesting song. Haha. So I spent most of the day cleaning/organizing my room. And doing math. x.x

I have gotten no replies from anyone, literally. Not in e-mail or snail mail. I'm gonna go insane if I wait for much longer. XD And I still can NOT tell you my secert.. I was thinking I'd be able to today, but alas... Maybe tomorrow? You probably won;t even care. So when I tell you you'll probably say something like, "Seriously? You got me all excited for that?" Haha oh well sorry! XD

Not sure what else to say right now. So.. goodnight!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Yay! You can finally see the grass! And you can go out in the afternoon and not be dressed in three layers. *dances*

Random question for the day. If girls can get away with wearing bikinis and guys can get away with wearing swim trunks, why can't you wear that little of clothing any where any time? Is it only acceptable to be naked on the beach with a bunch of people around you in the summer? That's silly.

So, if anyone cares, no word from the guy that I wrote to.
I'm waiting all non patiently for someone to knock on the door. o.o I still can't tell you why yet, sorry. 
I guess that's all for now.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Single's Awareness Day?

Well, so what if you're single on Valentine's day? Why can't it be good enough that you have friends and family? Besides that, who really needs a boyfriend or a girlfriend to make that particular day special? I guess I can't really answer that, considering I've never had anymore than an imaginary boyfriend, and yesterday felt like any other day. Not that I really care, I still got candy out of it, so all is well. ^_^
I'm not really sure what else to say tonight. I just watched Demolition Man and I'm waiting for my friend to come back from her walk. Soo.. I think game playing is a necessary thing that this moment. Which is where I will be heading... Now. Peace!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Okay, so, I've actually written a blog everyday so far. I'm so proud of my self.. not.

Well, Soulmates with a Rockstar is well, actually what it says. My dream was where I was back stag and I met the lead singed of a rock band and he introduced me to the lead guitarist. And I kinda like.. fell in love with him. But it was deeper than that...? I'm not sure how to explain it. 
 Another note of non-interest, last May, I do believe it was, I went to the Tulip festival with my step-mom and grandma.... and I saw this dude is has been dubbed The Denny's guy, because I saw him at Denny's. And the rockstar in my dream looked a lot like Denny's guy. 
But there's something that ties into those two, somewhat. The guy that I sent that letter to today, what if he were to be the Denny's guy? My friend and I were joking about that yesterday. Made for an interesting conversation (not that our conversation are normally interesting.) 
Just some theories and ideas and dreams from a wacky teenager.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I am a complete blond person. Right there on the front of one of the pictures that I got from my grandma is his (he guy I talked about yesterday. The one I was trying to find.) is his name. Spelled right and everything. *facepalm* So I look up the name... and low and behold there's whom I assume to be his parents. And it says that they live on the same street. This is getting to easy now. Now, after I send this letter that I wrote, he'll either not remember me or he doesn't live there anymore. Huh. I'll be sending the letter tomorrow and I'll let you know what he says.

So, I really want the next nine to ten days to go really quickly. Why? Well.. I can't really tell you yet. But I will as soon as i can because it's big. But it's a secert so far.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Okay. I have two major things that are focused on my mind.

The first is the story that I'm writing. The inspiration came from a dream i had a couple nights ago. the title thus far is Soulmates with a Rock Star. Unless you want a detailed long description that I've been known to give, don't ask. I don't really have an answer other then to just tell you my dream. 

The second is the guy that I'm trying to find. You'd think that with all of the 'advanced' technology and such that the internet provides us with, one would be able to find a childhood friend. This however, is proving to not be the case. I know where he used to live, I know his first name and his brother's first names, (I just got an idea! *scurries to check into it* Nope crud) I know the ladie's first name who lived behind them. And now from one of my great grandmother's photos, I have his last name. Now, considering that it's been, oh i don't know, approximately seven years since I last saw him, I wouldn't bet much that he still lives there. But is he possibly the only teenager that doesn't have a facebook? Or did my great grandmother get his name written wrong? Or can I just not read it?

You see, I had tried to find him about a year or so ago, with the only thing that I had was a first name and a fuzzy mental image. But after a bit of futile searching, I had given up my hope and let it drop. Now I am given the opportunity to find my old friend, and can only find dead ends. Well, I have one lead, perhaps. A name spelled slightly different of a ladie that supposedly lives where he used to. I'll send her a message now. I'll tell you the result. Cross your fingers would ya?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Have you ever had a dream that when you wake up, you feel like it was real, and you're left waiting there for the person that was in your dreams to show up? It's an interesting feeling, maybe not always a good feeling either. (Nightmare or other) Well, last night I finally had a good dream. VS. a odd/weird or a nightmare. I like good dreams. Their nice.

Okay! I finally found a good use for my non-sharp sword! *Dances* I'm going to take a picture and put it as a cover for a book that I wrote. I'll tell you more about that later.

I hate being a writer that can't write. Like, you have so many thoughts and feelings that would make for some interesting words, but yet, when you find yourself face to face with your paper.. nothing comes to mind. Very infuriating for me. Plus, the only other thing for me is to tweedle my thumbs until I think of something or until I find something else to do. o.o

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Ever feel...

Nervous after you sent a message? Well, have you ever sent a message to a man whose done artwork for many big movies, asking to use one of his pictures? 
I'm not totally sure why I'm nervous. The worst he can do is say no right? And it's not like I really have any right to use his picture. I mean, I'm not using it on anything that I'm going to sell, but it's still his work. 
I've sent two other requests for permission in the last week, hoping for a quick reply. I guess not everyone sits on their lap tops eh?
Well, it's -1.6 F degrees outside. Which probably means that I won't be going to the post office today, which also probably means that my friend's V-day stuff will be late... Again.. >.>'... Oh well, I don't think she minds to much.
So what is anyone else doing for Valentine's day.. other hen eating chocolate?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 9, 2011.

So this my first blog, hopefully it isn't to crappy. Someone told me that Facebook is pretty much like a blog, I suppose that I would agree, expect for you can't put much into a status. 
 I suppose that I ought to explain my blog name, in case you didn't get it. Have you ever heard of the TV show called Twilight Zone? And have you heard of the newest book/movie called Twilight? Where the vampires sparkle in the sun. Well.. I'll let you figure it out from there.
Mostly this blog will be about my thoughts of the day. Probably not very interesting *Laugh out Loud*. That's just me for you.
So, I'm still waiting for the fourth book of Eragon. And my cousin still hasn't called me. Never thought I'd be waiting on a phone call from him. (I'm random, and you'll never know what you'll see from me next! So, take this as a personal warning!)
I guess that's all for now, I do believe that dinner will be ready soon. G'night!